A waterfall with green water and rocks in the background.

Day 3


Love Letters from the Holy Spirit A Collection

Day 3

Are you aware that during a hurricane there is a place of quiet that can be found?  

Did you think that place of quiet is found hidden somewhere far away from the storm?  

No, actually the greatest place of peace and calm is found in the very center of the hurricane, in the eye of the hurricane.  Violence and destruction may rage outside, but within the eye of the hurricane there is peace.  

Two men once talked, sharing their own ideas of what peace would be like.  The one man described a scene with a quiet meadow on a sunny day, with birds singing and a brook running through the meadow, passed beautiful shade trees.  To him this scene depicts calm and safety, true peace.    

The other man painted another picture.  He described a majestic waterfall cascading down a mountainside.  At the base of the fall the water churned in torrents, swirling against the rocks as the water sprayed everything with its mist.  

A lone tree could be seen through the mist.  One of its branches reached out over the tumult of water and spray, suspended above the dangerous currents.  Perched there on the branch was a bird, cleaning itself, seemingly unaware of the peril that threatened it on all sides.  

Both scenes depict peace.  I want to remind you however, that my peace is not of this world. 

Remember that I said in this world you will have trouble but fear not for I have overcome the world.  

My peace is best understood in the midst of turmoil.  

What I offer you is not something that is dependable only when the sun is shining.  

I am not only the master of the wind and waves, I can also calm the storms that rage inside of you.  



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