Portrait of water falls

Day 6


Love Letters from the Holy Spirit A Collection

Day 6 

I saw fear in your eyes yesterday.  I could tell that you were afraid of being hurt again.  It hurts when people break their promises.  You have had a lot of promises made to you and then broken.  It hurts even more when you finally realize that the person never really did care about you.  

I care.  

It’s difficult for you to trust me because of what others have done to you.  But I promise never to hurt you.  What I want to do is teach you about myself. I want you to be able to see how I fulfill the promises that I make.  

I know that you would like your promises filled immediately.  But you realize that cannot be done.  This is an area of maturity that I am developing in you.  I will help you to discern the timeframe whenever possible.  It’s important for you to understand though, that you will not always know how things are going to work out and when they will be accomplished.  

I see the pain and fear on your face.  Listen to me.  Whenever you become frightened and confused, cry out to me and listen for my voice.  Continue crying out until you hear me.  

I will never leave you or forsake you.  Whenever you cry out to me, I will hold you and comfort you.  

I am here with you right now.  Here, rest in my arms.  



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