Mercy for Today

Day 2


Love Letters from the Holy Spirit A Collection

Day 2

What does the word peace mean to you?

There are many types of peace, which type do you want?  Which type do you need?  When you reflect on that question, do you find it difficult? Try it.  You have an idea what type of peace you want, but if you think about it, you’re really uncertain as to the type you need. 

There is one that is available, but it is costly.  Like all things of great value it has a high price.  The question is how much are you willing to pay?

Whether you realize it or not you live in a society that has two different types of economy.  One for purchasing perishable items and the other for non-perishable.  

Most people spend all of their time and energy earning and investing in perishable items.  Perishable items are true to their name: they perish.  

What type of items do you invest your time (life) and money in?  Perishable or Permanent?  

Most items you purchase can be paid-off in a specific amount of time and you can determine the exact cost.  The cost of true peace can be explained by answering the following question:  

What is free but has to be paid for daily? 

God’s peace will cost you everything that you have.  

How much are you willing to pay?  

If you cannot offer every part of your life to him and his control, then you will have no peace.  You alone are unable to carry all your concerns.  

Here is a riddle for you: 

What is light enough to float on water, too heavy for one man to carry, yet another man can carry it with ease? 

Your burdens are heavy, and you do not have enough strength to carry them on your own. But if you ask me I will help you.  

You see my strength is perfected in your weakness.  

If you give me your troubles and concerns, I will carry them for you. Then I will give you, my peace. It is a peace that passes any understanding that you have.  

But through the experience of following my directions and walking by my side, you will understand part of that which cannot be understood.  

Place your cares in my hands. Let me help you, then you will understand.  



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